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The Idea


The aim of the 'Data Stories’ exhibition is to engage the whole CEU community to share beautiful and useful displays of data relevant for the social sciences. The purpose is to highlight interesting and novel ways of understanding the complexities of our respective disciplines through visualizations. With an open call-for-visualizations for all the academic subunits at CEU, the event provides a great opportunity to share knowledge, insights, and ideas relating to data visualization among otherwise disparate, but nevertheless intersecting, social-scientific disciplines.

The Goal


With a growing trend in communication across disciplines, the goal of the project is to bring together different interests and subjects of analysis into a coherent dialogue over a shared necessity and passion – data visualization. The main aim of the event is to make visible the informal ties among students and faculty interested in data visualization, as well as to encourage the formation future collaborations on similar and complementary research interests within and across departments.

Who's In?


Masters, PhD students and faculty members from any of the following CEU units:


CEU Business School, School of Public Policy, Cognitive Science, Economics, Environmental Science and Policy, Gender Studies, History, International Relations and European Studies, Legal Studies, Mathematics and Its Applications, Medieval Studies, Nationalism Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Public Policy, Sociology, Doctoral School of History, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations, Economics Doctoral School, School of Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies, Center for Network Science.

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